all postcodes in S25 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S25 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S25 3PF 4 53.379591 -1.23158
S25 3PH 0 53.380292 -1.230079
S25 3PJ 0 53.37877 -1.229625
S25 3PL 0 53.379476 -1.230424
S25 3QA 12 53.375341 -1.234408
S25 3QN 0 53.374921 -1.230747
S25 3QS 6 53.373081 -1.22845
S25 3QU 5 53.374127 -1.214904
S25 3QW 0 53.378625 -1.230891
S25 3QX 12 53.375291 -1.217227
S25 3QY 7 53.375183 -1.218537
S25 3QZ 14 53.375448 -1.226183
S25 3RB 0 53.374575 -1.23134
S25 3RE 0 53.374173 -1.23049
S25 3RF 4 53.373722 -1.23161
S25 3RG 2 53.375172 -1.23211
S25 3RH 0 53.377404 -1.232566
S25 3RR 0 53.376376 -1.233396
S25 3RS 0 53.376711 -1.233796
S25 3RW 1 53.379448 -1.232921